Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 6- Menu Plan Monday

I am just terrible at making a weekly meal plan, but no fear, there are some folks who are great at it.  Check out Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie for some great meal plan ideas!

Everyone should have one go-to recipe.  The thing you whip up for a potluck or when you have to bring a meal to someone.  Mine is the 1950's casserole dish-  Johnny Marzetti- (a.k.a. macaroni and beef). I use diced green peppers instead of mushrooms. This can easily be made with whole wheat pasta, grass-fed beef, and organic tomato sauce.

What is your go-to dish?


  1. My go to dish is spaghetti. The family loves it and I usually can get some help in the prep.

    You have a relaxing Labor Day.

  2. Mine is Meatloaf. All 4 of my kids love it and so does my husband. What is great is that my daughter loves the leftovers to make meatloaf sandwiches.
