Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome to 90 Days of Change

Tomorrow is September 1st. There's something about the start of a new school year calendar that always inspires me.  No New Year's Resolutions for me, I'm all about the start of Fall. (Nevermind that it's 90 degrees today.)

Today I am starting a journey- well an experiment really- that will take me to the end of November, and maybe beyond.  I have been thinking for some time that I would like to make some changes in the way my family eats and acts and lives. It all started when someone told me they just read the book In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan. I kind of filed that away thinking I would read it when I had time.  Then someone else said they just watched the movie Food Inc.  So off to the library I went.  I got In Defense of Food on CD and Food Inc. on DVD.  I listened to the book over several days and watched the documentary over a couple nights.  I have to say they both changed the way I look at food.  The way it is produced, packaged and consumed.

So I began to think- what can I do? For myself and for my family. To eat more whole foods and less pre-packaged junk.  Also to live more healthy in general- for our bodies and our environment.  I will say right now- I am not one of those green-eco-hippie types! (But, all the best if you are.)  I just think we should do the best we can with our bodies and earth God created.  OK, plus I can stand to lose a pound or ten (or forty.)

I will be using as one of my guides the small paperback book by Michael Pollan- Food Rules: An Eater's Manual.   It contains 64 "rules",  which are more like suggestions, for eating.  I will also be using other resources I come upon from time to time.

I'm not really sure what this is going to look like, but tomorrow I'm going to dive right in.  I hope you will join me for the next 90 Days of Change!


  1. Jan, sounds great! I will be eagerly following your journey! Love! Sis Jill

  2. I look forward to seeing your posts. I also watched Food, Inc. a couple of weeks ago and agree that something needs to be done. :) Good Luck!

  3. Jan~ I just wanted to wish you luck on your new adventure! I also started my own 100 day challenge about a week ago and I'm loving it!! My blog is:
    Feel free to peek in and see how I'm doing. I'm anxious to hear how yours goes. Good luck!

  4. Best of luck - I bet at the end of 90 days you will continue with a lot of the rules!! I am your newest follower!
